The iBackPack is far exceeding it's original goal of $50k. Over 1,000 individuals have participated in the iBackPack Indiegogo CrowdFunding Campaign. There are nearly 200k Facebook LIKES and 155k trending posts. The iBackPack is the perfect gift for any student heading back to school.
Austin, TX, August 23, 2015 (Newswire.com) - The iBackPack is trending among Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest Users. With over 190k LIKES on Facebook and 155k posts, comments and shares the word is quickly hitting the streets about the iBackPack's revolutionary new technology.
Doug Monahan, iBackPack's CEO states "All of on the team are extremely excited about the buzz on the street - we felt from day-one that if we were to focus on innovative and advancing technology - we would be able to create something that was ideal for students, professors and business professionals alike." The iBackPack includes WiFi capabilities, Bluetooth audio and proximity alert systems, iPhone/Android Controller Apps, Multiple 10,000 mAh batteries, Retractable power cords, Anti-theft alarm system, wireless pad recharger and much more.
Ile Jugovski, iBackPack's Vice President, proudly exclaims "Our design team did their job quite well, the rapid endorsement from the crowdfunding community is a testament to the superior design talent of the DayBreak Design, Inc. Doug Monahan, iBackPack's CEO states "All of on the team are extremely excited about the buzz on the street - we felt from day-one that if we were to focus on innovative and advancing technology - we would be able to create something that was ideal for students, professors and business professionals alike."
Doug Monahan, CEO & Founder
Ile Jugovski, iBackPack's Vice President, proudly exclaims "Our design team did their job quite well, the rapid endorsement from the crowdfunding community is a testament to the superior design talent of the DayBreak Design, Inc. team." The iBackPack is revolutionary in many ways - it was built from scratch with extra attention paid to the smallest of details. It is weather resistant, contains multiple hidden pouches and most importantly arms all carriers with the ability to quickly and easily connect to the internet.
In less than one week the iBackPack project has been able to raise over $200k and appears to be striking a chord within the wearable technology first adopters. Individuals can learn more about the technology by visiting the www.ibackpack.co website or the indiegogo page at http://igg.me/at/ibackpack.